Phase imprinting in equilibrating Fermi gases: The transience of vortex rings and other defects
We present numerical simulations of phase imprinting experiments in ultracold trapped Fermi gases which are in good agreement with recent, independent experimental results. Our focus is on the sequence and evolution of defects using the fermionic time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equation, which contains dissipation necessary for equilibration. In contrast to other simulations we introduce small, experimentally unavoidable symmetry breaking, particularly that associated with thermal fluctuations and with the phase imprinting tilt angle, and illustrate their dramatic effects. The former causes vortex rings in confined geometries to move to the trap surface and rapidly decay into more stable vortex lines, as appears consistent with recent experimental claims. The latter aligns the precessing and relatively long-lived vortex filaments, rendering them difficult to distinguish from solitons.
Vortex ring dissipation at 86°
Vortex ring dissipation at 88°
Vortex ring dissipation at 89.5°
Peter Scherpelz, Karmela Padavic, Adam Rancon, Andreas Glatz, Igor S. Aranson, K. Levin, Phase imprinting in equilibrating Fermi gases: The transience of vortex rings and other defects, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 125301 (2014).